TheatreWhats On

Panto in a caravan

Fancy going to a pantomime – do you mind watching it with eight others in a caravan?

With an audience of nine seated snugly in a caravan, it’s unlikely the audience will hear cries of “He’s behind you!”

This festive season, catch a pantomime with a difference. Bankside will be playing host to a travelling anti-pantomime hosted in The Caravan Theatre… niftily named Caravantomime.

An intimate re-imagining of classic pantomime stories, the performance will see a clash of panto’s favourite characters; expect to see Snow White, Cinderella and Widow Twanky presented in The Caravan Theatre.

Produced by Robin Linde Productions, the 20-minute performance will be showing from Friday, December 1 and throughout the rest of the month at lunchtimes and evenings with tickets, subject to availability costing £7.50.

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