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Skate park opens gates to the public

Free coaching sessions and a skate competition marked the official opening of Charlton Park Skate Park on Saturday.

Brownies and scouts were among the residents who couldn’t wait to try out the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s latest facility.

The skate park incorporates a series of elevations and dips designed to suit fans of skating, cycling and scooting, no matter what their age or ability.

Photographs: Skaters testing the new park at its opening day on Saturday

A viewing mound has also been created to give spectators a better look at the 900m2 skate park, which curves around the mini gym near the football pitches.

Saturday’s launch featured a competition for more advanced skaters, demonstrations and free coaching for over eights.

The skate park was designed following extensive consultation with focus groups, including residents, park users and skaters of all ages.

Councillor Jackie Smith, cabinet member for community safety and environment, said: “The skate park is a fantastic addition to Charlton Park and I am delighted that it is fully inclusive for families and residents of all ages and abilities.

“I am very pleased that the plans were created in collaboration with the local community, which has helped ensure that the finished design meets their needs.”

Cllr Denise Scott-MacDonald, cabinet member for culture, creative industries and community wellbeing, said: “There was high demand for a skate park, so it was fantastic to see so many people enjoying the new facility on the day of the launch.

“Its location means that it is easily accessible for skaters all over the borough so I would encourage everyone to come and try it out.”

Charlton Skate Park will be open daily from 8am until dusk.

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