The Queen’s House Ice Rink returns to the Royal Museums Greenwich
There is a certain romance associated with ice skating.
For many, it’s a favourite pastime inextricably linked to winter and the holiday season.
Young and old alike enjoy the novelty of cold fingers and the rush of skimming along at breakneck speed.
Now, as the days get shorter and the weather takes a turn, an ice rink will be returning to Greenwich.
The Queen’s House Ice Rink, located in the grounds of Royal Museums Greenwich offers spectacular views.
Skaters can take in the natural beauty of Greenwich Park to the south, and the lights of central London skyscrapers to the north.
For those who are too nervous or too mature to take to the ice, you can watch your friends and loved ones zip past from a safe and comfortable distance.
Hot drinks and seasonal snacks are on sale at Benugo’s catering stall, right next to the rink.
Children and first-time skaters can hire skate aids. These come in the form of giant inanimate penguins with handles for stability.
The rink is open every day (apart from Christmas Day) from Thursday, November 17 to Sunday, January 8, 2023.
Picture: Ice Rink at Royal Museums Greenwich Picture: National Maritime Museum