What’s On Coming Up: BFI Southbank launch 1990s cinema season
BFI Southbank will see the launch of a two-month season dedicated to the transformative and challenging cinema and TV of the 1990s.
Nineties: Young Cinema Rebels will explore the films and film-makers that changed cinema conventions during the decade – from Quentin Tarantino and Danny Boyle to Charyl Dunye and Takeshi Kitano.
Special events during the season will look at classic 1990s kids’ TV, black cinema throughout the decade and the world cinema that made waves.
The season aims to explore the influence of 1990s titles that can still be felt today – from the explosive energy of Do the Right Thing through to the transformative style of The Blair Witch Project.
Cultural, technological, and political changes had a significant impact on world cinema in the nineties.
A discussion event, Global Cinema in the 1990s, will welcome invited speakers to take a closer look at some of the world cinema movements from the decade that pushed the boundaries of film.
Television was an integral part of the story of the nineties, and the season will include screenings of landmark work made for TV.
Shows such as My Sister-Wife, Meat and Zinky Boys Go Underground will be explored as seminal shows of the era.
Completing the line-up for part one of the season in July will be a lively illustrated panel discussion with creators and casts of some of the best-remembered and most beloved children’s TV shows of the 1990s.
Audiences will be able to take a nostalgic trip to revisit programmes like Five Children and It, Live & Kicking, The Queen’s Nose, Maid Marian and her Merry Men, Bodger & Badger, The Really Wild Show and Press Gang.
Nineties: Young Cinema Rebels season takes place at the BFI on July 5, 6, 8 and 28.