
10-year-old friends get locks cut off for charity which makes wigs for children who have lost their hair during chemotherapy

You have long hair – you want it short. You have short hair – you want it long.

Especially amid lockdown, it’s been Rapunzel or Lisa Simpson for most girls.

But two friends aged 10 from Streatham have found a solution, now that they can involve a professional and not their dads, armed only with a beard-trimmer. That’s a hair don’t.

Ruby Pearce and Sally Morris, who both go to Henry Cavendish Primary School in Balham, are fundraising for Little Princess Trust, which makes wigs for children who have lost their hair during chemotherapy for cancer.

The duo got their long hair cut short at Headmasters salon in Streatham yesterday, and are donating their hair to the trust.

Each wig costs £550 to make, so they set up a JustGiving page to raise enough money to cover the cost of making both wigs.

Their original target was to raise £1,100, but they exceeded their target within 24 hours and decided to double it to £2,200, to try and cover the cost of making two extra wigs – as many people donate their hair without raising sponsorship money.

Their total has now powered past £2,300.

Sally said: “I want to give my hair to charity because when I grew my hair long, I thought that it could be put to good use when I cut it short again.

“When I heard about Little Princess Trust, I thought it was a great cause and decided that’s what I would like to do with my hair.

“I think charities like Little Princess Trust are amazing because children who lose their hair because of cancer need all the support they can get.”

Ruby said: “More than a year ago I was inspired by my cousin to cut my hair for charity but I wanted it to be as long as possible.

“I thought it would be a kind thing to donate my hair to a child who has lost theirs.

“Sally had the same idea as me and we agreed to get it cut together. We were initially going to do this earlier in the year but Covid-19 stopped us.

“We understand that this is a difficult time for many, but every penny that you can donate would be greatly appreciated.”

Ruby’s mum, Kirsty, said: “Two years ago, Ruby was inspired by an older girl at her primary school who donated her hair to charity.

“She decided that she wanted to do the same when her hair was long enough.

“Since then she had been growing her hair with the aim of having it cut for charity in her final year of primary school.

“She was looking forward to having her hair cut short as she swims three times a week – and long, wet hair, when they are not allowed to use the changing rooms due to Covid restrictions, is not much fun, particularly as it gets colder.”

Sally’s mum, Catherine, said: “We are so proud of the girls for wanting to help children who are having a tough time battling cancer.

“I can’t think of a better way of putting their beautiful, long hair to good use.

“We have been completely overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity, particularly at a time when life is challenging or uncertain for so many, and really appreciate all the support we’ve received.”

To donate, click here.

Pictured top: Ruby Pearce, left, and Sally Morris

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