100 refugee families resettled by borough
Families came together last week to celebrate world refugee day, and their council’s milestone of rehousing 100 refugee families.
Last Tuesday, for World Refugee Day, some of Lewisham’s refugee families attended a celebratory picnic in Mountsfield Park, off Stainton Road in Hither Green.
Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham said: “We had a wonderful celebration with our refugee families in Mountsfield Park this week.
“Lewisham is an open borough and is leading the way in London and nationally with our refugee re-settlement programme.
“We believe that diversity enhances our community and this was a lovely opportunity to come together, celebrate and give a very warm welcome to our sanctuary seekers in Lewisham.”

Lewisham council rehoused the 100th refugee family in the borough last week.
There was a variety of tasty food provided by Plateful Café, face painting, giant bubbles and music.
Councillor Juliet Campbell, cabinet member for communities, refugees and well-being, said: “We are very proud of the work that we and our partners are doing in Lewisham to support all sanctuary seekers.
“At a time of increased pressure and negative narrative from central Government, we celebrate and promote the welcome contribution of people seeking sanctuary in our borough and prove that diverse communities like ours can be both happy and cohesive.”

Lewisham council works with the Refugee Council, Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network and through the Lewisham Migration Forum to support sanctuary seekers in the borough.
Lewisham was named as the UK’s first Borough of Sanctuary by the national charity City of Sanctuary, in May 2021.
Its work as a borough of sanctuary includes a policy of resettling vulnerable refugee families from Syria, Afghanistan and other areas of conflict.
The local authority is also committed to giving support and care to child asylum seekers without parents. Lewisham has signed up to accept 100 more children over the next 10 years.
Pictured top: Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham, with refugee families at the event (Picture: Tariq Chaudry)