Vauxhall foodbank gets £20k donation to combat effects of lockdown
A foodbank has been given £20,000 by a road builder for its work combating the effects of lockdown.
Vauxhall Foodbank got the money as part an initiative set up by infrastructure firm Amey’s Spanish parent company Ferrovial.
Tim Frisby, Social Action Coordinator, Vauxhall Foodbank, said: “At Vauxhall
Foodbank we are thrilled to have benefited from the Ferrovial Together COVID-19
Fund. Together with our partners at Waterloo, and Norwood & Brixton we have been delivering over 400 food parcels per week to some of the most vulnerable people in
our community. Amey’s generous donation will allow us to continue this important
work, and to feed many more families in crisis over the coming months.”
Alexandra Hardwicke, Legal Director, Amey, commented, “We are delighted to hear
that the Ferrovial Together COVID-19 Fund is supporting the fantastic work of the
Vauxhall Foodbank. This is such a worthy cause and one that has really galvanised
support across our local office. Many thanks to all of the Ferrovial family worldwide
who have donated to the Fund and to the Vauxhall team for working tirelessly to
support our local communities.”