Affordable housing scheme welcomes 52 homes near Battersea Power Station
A new affordable housing scheme which will see 52 homes built overlooking the regenerated Battersea Power Station has begun its first phase.
Residents from the Churchill Gardens Estate in Pimlico were invited to a ‘topping out’ ceremony earlier this month to launch the scheme.
In total, the first phase of the development will provide 21 flats within Westminster’s Churchill Gardens Conservation Area, on the banks of the River Thames, overlooking the iconic power station.
The development is on the site of the former Balmoral Castle Pub and the existing Darwin House building. Residents of the original Darwin House will be the first to benefit from the new build.
The flats have been specially built for residents aged over 60, with communal facilities and guest rooms for visitors. After opening, social activities will also be on offer.

Phase two will see the construction of Block B, which will provide 18 affordable flats at London Living Rent prices.
Pictured top: Residents from the Churchill Gardens Estate in Pimlico at the ‘topping out’ ceremony with councillors and project managers of the new scheme (Picture: Westminster council)