
Anger over lack of recycling bins on Lewisham estate

By Rafi Mauro-Benady

A row has erupted over recycling bins, leaving one woman perplexed with her council and her housing service provider.

Personal trainer Sarah, 34, a leaseholder at Gransden House in the Pepys Estate, Deptford, first contacted Lewisham council and Lewisham Homes in November last year about the lack of recycling bins in her estate.

She claims both parties are trying to offload the burden on to the other, and is frustrated at the lack of action and recycling bins during the climate crisis.

She said: “It makes me feel unheard and I’m fuming because we’re in the middle of an emergency.

“It’s like we’re living in the Middle Ages, throwing all our rubbish into one bin, and I think it’s very irresponsible.”

In an email to Lewisham council, Sarah, pictured above, said she would like “to have the option to recycle my household rubbish.

“However, in my building, recycling isn’t organised and everything goes into the same bin.”

She was then told by a Lewisham council employee that she should have access to a communal recycling bin on her estate.

She was told to contact Lewisham Homes, as providing recycling bins is its responsibility.

Sarah acted swiftly on Lewisham council’s recommendation and contacted Lewisham Homes, where her estate supervisor promised a meeting in person.

But the meeting wasn’t quite what Sarah had in mind as she was told that if the problem persisted she should take to Twitter.

A spokesman for Lewisham council said: “Pepys estate residents have access to recycling points via a communal bin facility, which the council’s waste and recycling team makes collections from on a weekly basis.”

But Sarah wasn’t convinced by this response and slammed the council’s claims that there are numerous recycling points.

She said: “Pepys estate is huge.

“I don’t know where the bins they’re referring to are.

“I live in Gransden House, there are 80 flats here.

“Lewisham council can’t expect 80 households to go bin hunting on the estate.

“We need bins that are easily accessible.”

According to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 your local authority is legally obliged to collect household waste.

Lewisham Homes failed to respond to multiple requests for comment.


One thought on “Anger over lack of recycling bins on Lewisham estate

  • Sarah Matelart

    Shame on Lewisham Homes and Lewisham Council!!!


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