
Can you help find second man who killed dad Danny?


The mother of a man who was “mercilessly” slaughtered by a pair of robbers has called on the public help find one of the killers.

Danny Pearce, 31, was chased, shot and stabbed in Greenwich in July last year in what police described as a prolonged and horrendous attack.

One of the killers, Jordan Bailey-Mascoll, was convicted and sentenced to life on July 19, but another man is wanted in connection with the case.

Danny’s Mother, Jan Pearce, 63, said: “We need to get this murderer off the street – who knows who will be next and then another family will go through the same devastation as us.

“I don’t want another mum to go through this agony. I need to know both of those responsible will be locked up for a very long time.

If you have information regarding the second man involved, do the decent thing and call police.

Danny Pearce (main pic) and above, his stolen Rolex watch

“Also if you know where Danny’s watch is or have seen it advertised for sale, get in touch.

Danny’s young daughter is growing up without a dad, the least she deserves is justice for what happened to her and the future she was robbed of with her father.”

Danny was walking with his girlfriend Stephanie Holland and two friends to a parked car in King William Walk on July 15, 2017.

They had all left a jazz club in Nevada Street at around midnight when Danny was confronted by two men.

The pair demanded Danny’s Rolex watch and, when he refused, he was chased and trapped by the suspects who repeatedly stabbed him as he lay defenceless.

The whole attack was witnessed by his terrified friends and partner. Danny, who has a five-year-old daughter, was pronounced dead at the scene shortly afterwards despite the efforts of paramedics and police to save him.

Jan Pearce said: “Justice will not be done until both of the men who callously and mercilessly targeted my son are behind bars where they belong.

This second individual has played a full role in what took place. He helped pick out Danny at the start and shot at him as he ran for his life.” CCTV footage shown at Bailey-Mascoll’s trial at the Old Bailey showed him and his accomplice picking out their target.

The pillion passenger, Bailey-Mascoll, is seen raising his arm to point back at Danny, clearly alerting his accomplice they have found a potential victim to prey upon.

Moments after he refused to surrender his Rolex, Bailey-Mascoll produced a large knife and began chasing Danny, while the second man shot in his direction as Danny ran for his life.

A post-mortem examination gave the cause of death as multiple stabbings, but police also found gunshot grazing and evidence of at least four shots fired in Danny’s direction as he attempted to flee.

A 21-year-old man [A] also arrested in connection with Dannys murder remains released under investigation. Officers are seeking to hear from anyone with information about the rider of the moped in the CCTV footage released.

Investigating officer Detective Inspector Jo Sidaway said: “Although one man has been convicted, we know two men carried out this despicable attack.

We will not rest until they have been brought to justice and are carrying out a number of detailed and painstaking enquiries.

“The level of violence used against Danny was truly horrendous and the length of time over which they carried out the attack – up to two minutes – marks it out as the most sustained random stabbing attack I’ve seen in my 26 years in the police service.

“We are still very keen to trace the stolen watch. The model was a Silver Rolex Datejust 2 2017, worth around £5,000.

“Do you work in a shop, perhaps, and remember seeing such an item offered for sale? Or maybe you bought such a watch in good faith from an internet dealer?

It is an important part of this investigation, which remains ongoing.

“If you can help, please contact police via 101 or on the dedicated incident room number of 020 8721 4005.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or tweet police via @MetCC.”

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