Care workers still in need of more safety kit, says Greenwich council leader
Care workers in homes desperately need safety clothes and kit to look after residents, a town hall leader has said.
Front line staff battling coronavirus have been left exposed and at risk after promised supplies so far have failed to arrive, says Greenwich council leader Danny Thorpe.
He has now made an urgent appeal for equipment for social care staff working in homes across the borough.
He tweeted: “Despite assurances that the necessary supplies would arrive, they haven’t, and we know we could free up at least one bed tonight at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust that could be used for another unwell patient if we had this equipment.”
He said the borough needed the following equipment urgently:
- FFP3 face masks – you may have this type if you are a builder, work in construction, a nail bar or use spray pain
- Disposable plastic gloves
- Aprons
- Eye Protection (disposable gloves/visors)
Cllr Thorpe made the urgent appeal for help to individuals, businesses and schools across Greenwich, although authorities across London face similar issues.
He said the local trust had at least one patient who could leave hospital and return home if the equipment was available.
With hospitals across the capital city swelling, every available bed made a difference.
The council leader asked for any messages regarding donations to be directed via his email at
Pictured top: Greenwich council leader Danny Thorpe