
Coronavirus survivor celebrates VE Day with his friends – and proper distancing

A coronavirus survivor has celebrated VE Day with friends from far and wide – with proper distancing.

John Loughery, of Streatham High Road, lasted 18 days at home before being told to get a taxi to St George’s Hospital – but has now made enough of a recovery to have a party on his block’s rooftop.

John, pictured, had sandwiches and cake with two friends and laid out all his royal and war memorabilia on the roof of his home, near his church, St Leonard’s in Streatham.

The 65-year-old made it a double celebration after his recovery from the disease, which has killed thousands in South London.

He said: “It really scared me to have it – especially the shaking and my heart jumping. But I am happy to be better – the Lord helped me. And the NHS is the crown jewels of the UK.

“I was getting out of the shower on Good Friday, April 10, and I felt a burning sensation in my chest. Soon I went into shakes.

“By 2.30am I was coughing. I had the burning sensation again. My heart was jumping and I had sweaty hands – I thought I was having a heart attack. I dialled 111. They said a doctor would call back – and one did so at 5.30am.

“She had had it so she knew I had coronavirus. She told me to isolate.

“About six days later, I had a funny turn – I was shaking. This time the doctor said I had to stay indoors for two weeks. I was shaking and sweating again and having strange dreams and hearing bells ringing in my imagination.”

By April 28 his legs and ankles had swelled up. A friend from the church, Captain Tony Nunn, said to call 111 again.

“I didn’t really want to go to hospital,” said John, a former cook and groundsman.

“A doctor called half an hour after I dialled 111 and ordered me to get a bus or a taxi to hospital. I was there four hours and then taken home by ambulance after midnight.

“It was good to be able to celebrate VE Day with my friends.”


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