Council strike mum off housing list after failing to repair her temporary accommodation
A mum with two young children who waited for four months for her council to repair a major leak in her home has been struck off the housing list and forced to rent privately.
The woman, 28, is a victim of domestic abuse and will remain anonymous for legal reasons.
Last month the South London Press reported on the woman, who was moved out of her home into temporary accommodation in February so Lewisham Homes could deal with a leak.
She was told that the property would be fixed in eight weeks, but it took 16 weeks of living in hotels with her four-year-old and one-year-old sons before she could return.
When she returned there was still a leak, the property was infested with insects and smelt of damp and mould. After a week of living in the property the surveyor said she needed to move out as it was “unliveable”.
She said: “A few days later we returned for clothes. In the time we packed our bags my baby’s asthma was triggered and his eczema fleeted up from head to toe. I had to take him to hospital.
“We have been going from hotel to hotel again.”
The woman claimed the council told her it was struggling to find temporary accommodation to suit her children’s medical needs.
After she made a complaint, she was told her bidding would be prioritised, and asked how much money she would need in compensation for her belongings damaged by the leak.
But on Friday the council told her it would be taking her off the council housing list and offering her a private rental instead.
She said: “When I viewed the private rental property the landlord said he had a number of viewings and would chose an income family over mine. I don’t know where this leaves me.
“If I agree to go into the private sector I won’t be able to get back on to the council housing list.
“I have been bidding for the last three years now for a permanent home. The only reason I’m not in my temporary accommodation still bidding for my permanent home is because the property went into disrepair and now the council can’t fix it.
“It’s unfair, the [offer] only provides tenancy for 12 months and then you have to renegotiate every single year with the landlord.
“With the council, once I sign the tenancy for a permanent home I have a place for me and my family permanently.”
Janet Daby, MP for Lewisham East, who has been working with the woman and the council said: “It’s incredibly disappointing that this has not yet been resolved. We are in a housing crisis. Too many families are spending years stuck in temporary accommodation.”
A spokesman from Lewisham council said: “With a limited supply of social housing available, we support some families on our housing waiting list into suitable private rented accommodation.
“Once an offer of suitable private rented accommodation has been made, our formal housing duty is ended.
“In this case, following an affordability assessment, an offer of suitable private rented accommodation was made.
“This offer has now been withdrawn. Once alternative accommodation has been identified, a new offer of private rented accommodation will be made.”
Pictured top: Disrepair and leaks in temporary accommodation the woman has been moved between (Picture: Supplied by victim)