Council unveils plans for hundreds of new homes in Brixton
Plans to build hundreds of new homes have been proposed by a council as part of a scheme in Brixton.
Lambeth council set out plans to build more than 320 new homes in Somerleyton Road as the second phase of a scheme that has delivered a new theatre space and an affordable workspace for businesses.
The Somerleyton Road scheme will deliver new social rent homes for families on the waiting list, a brand new extra-care facility for residents with social care and support needs and a new community space.
The council is looking for a development partner for the next phase of the Somerleyton Road project, which has already seen Brixton House Theatre built.
A report to be considered by Lambeth’s cabinet on July 24 sets out the objectives that the council will seek from any development partners, including a net-zero carbon development and employment opportunities for people in the area.
Councillor Danny Adilypour, Lambeth’s cabinet member for sustainable growth and new homes, said: “This important scheme is a key opportunity for us to deliver much-needed affordable housing and transform this part of central Brixton.
“Our commitment to accelerate the delivery of new affordable homes will be reflected in this important scheme, at a time when too many residents are impacted by the national housing crisis.
“We’re doing what we can to get more homes built, despite the challenges of rising building costs, the post-Brexit shortage of workers and rising interest rates creating uncertainty in the economy.
“Our ambitions for this scheme are to create high-quality and genuinely affordable homes in a sustainable way and to create safer and healthier public spaces.”
The council has also revised initial plans to rehouse residents of the Fitch Court sheltered housing scheme at the proposed new extra care housing in Somerleyton Road, following discussions with Fitch Court residents.
Residents of this council-owned and managed sheltered housing scheme indicated a strong preference to remain at the existing facility.
The council has now decided to invest in the refurbishment of Fitch Court over the next two years.
Pictured top: Brixton Tube station in Brixton Road (Picture: Robin Stott/Geograph)