
Council’s children’s services worker guilty of sharing indecent child images

A former social worker who accidentally sent an indecent video of a child to colleagues in a WhatsApp group chat has pleaded guilty to charges against him.

Roy Reid, 58, who was employed at Croydon Children’s Services sent the video in a group chat set up to arrange a leaving celebration for a colleague on 20 September 2019.

The victim has never been identified.

Reid’s colleagues at Croydon council began to leave the group chat after the video was sent and he was reported to managers at his workplace and in turn to the police.

Reid, from Merchiston Rd, Catford, was arrested later the same day. His phone was examined as part of the investigation and further indecent and extreme images were uncovered on the device.

Today (Thursday, 19 August 2021) at Croydon Crown Court Reid pleaded guilty to making indecent photographs of a child and possessing an extreme pornographic image.

He had previously pleaded guilty to two counts of distributing an indecent photograph of a child when he appeared at Bromley Magistrates’ Court.

Kate Shilton, from the CPS, said: “Roy Reid was a trusted employee within children’s services and his interest in indecent images of children was both shocking and abhorrent.

“The prosecution case included statements from members of the WhatsApp group and a forensic analysis of Reid’s phone which brought up further graphic and illegal images of concern.

“I would like to highlight the actions of many of those in the WhatsApp group who stood by their profession and reported Reid’s crimes.

“The CPS will always seek to bring to justice those who fuel the sexual exploitation of children.”

Reid will be sentenced at Croydon Crown Court on 23 September 2021

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