
‘Creating a thriving community’


New homes are to be built on a site in Erith that has been empty for a number of years

Architects, Ash Sakula, have been appointed to deliver the new design for the Old Walnut Tree Depot site in Erith.

Councillor Linda Bailey, Bexley’s cabinet member for regeneration and growth said: “The development of the Walnut Tree depot site, is part of an on-going programme of regeneration, aimed at developing Erith into a thriving riverside community.

We want to ensure that the design is community-led, and it was clear during the tender process, that Ash Sakula had the experience needed to deliver this.”

Ash Sakula have won many awards including 10 RIBA Awards for Architecture. When they have completed the draft design for the Old Walnut Tree depot site, which is expected to be in the next few months, the public will then be asked for their opinion on it at a public consultation event.

Robert Sakula, Founding Partner of Ash Sakula, said: “We are looking forward to testing our proposals for the Walnut Tree Depot site by listening and learning from the people of Erith.

“Together, we can build something there that helps make Erith a better and more beautiful place.”

The public areas in and around the site will be redesigned to provide more direct access to the town centre.

The work will see the removal of the pedestrian subway which will be replaced with a more direct
and safer route for people going to and from the town centre to the railway station.

Pictures are of previous developments by architects Ash Sakula

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