Croydon road closures to help improve road safety during lockdown
A road closure scheme to help residents keep fit and healthy during lockdown will be introduced across Croydon.
In response to the current Covid-19 pandemic, new temporary schemes that further reduce traffic, allowing residents to make better use of quieter roads are to be introduced across Croydon.
The temporary schemes, some of which are being implemented this week, aim to reduce rat running in residential roads, improve road safety and better facilitate social distancing.
As part of the new initiative, temporary road closures will be put in place to stop through traffic on certain routes across the borough, to help make it safer for those walking and cycling.
Cabinet member for environment and transport, Councillor Stuart King, said: “We are responding to growing concern that since lockdown began vehicle speeds have increased on certain routes around Croydon.”
You can view the road closures here.
Councillor Stuart King – Im afraid this has backfired on you – as a resident of Avenue Gardens off Avenue Road I am not only angry but furious that you have implemented these measures without consulting the residents that you intended to do this! This has made Avenue Road from Warminster Road a rat run with traffic speeding up and down in frustration at the road closures on Lancaster Road. Also as a Resident I would like to know why you thought it was necessary to do this on our usually quiet roads! We now have to endure cars racing up and down the road all day and most of the night causing disturbance to all our lives none of which adhere to the speed limit of 20mph. I think this is an accident waiting to happen and when it does you will be to blame! PLEASE REMOVE THESE ROAD CLOSURES ASAP BEFORE SOMEONE GETS INJURED OR KILLED!
They need to make colliers water lane T/Heath one way as it is being used as a short cut from Bridgstock road to London road by lorries and vans and bikes who like to speed up iplus unnecessary trafifc for sheer laziness as they wait near to shop
You can’t judge these schemes after 1 day! Of course there will be a settling in period as people understand the new normal. Reducing rat running is a progressive thing that should be made permanent even after the Covid crisis. These schemes will be able to be tweeked as results from them come after a period of time.
They are nonsense and cause anger and even worse driving and traffic as people not surprisingly get frustrated that they can’t use the roads they pay for.
These road closures are a mindless act where these is no proper signage to warn of which roads are closed and what the diversion route should be.
Croydon Council is anti-car in principle but this just beggars belief. It’s actually worsening rat running.
The 20mph imposition (at huge cost) has actually worsened road safety and so will this.
If you don’t remove them others will.
As others have noted, this was done without consultation with those who pay massively for the privilege of living here.
Stop using coronavirus as an excuse to inflict your real aim of stopping car ownership until you have a decent public transport service.
This nonsensical policy does nothing to help safety and everything to cause traffic jams and pollution. How are emergency service supposed to respond quickly?
It was a stupid waste of public money. Remove the road blocks and fix the disgraceful roads and pavements instead.
As I commented before, stop using Covid 19 as an excuse to further your anti-car policy.