
Family of children’s play area stabbing victim Rocky Djelal speak of their devastation at his loss

The family of stabbing victim Rocky Djelal, killed in Southwark Park on Wednesday, have thanked the people who tried to save him as he lay dying.
They have also spoken of their devastation at the loss of the 38-year-old father of one from Rotherhithe.
Rocky’s mother, father, daughter and brother, nephew and friends have issued a joint statement which said: “We would like to thank everybody for the kind words, love and support you have shown our family at this time. Thank you to all of the people who rushed to Rocky’s aid in the park and made sure our boy was not alone in his final moments. Thank you to all of our friends and family who waited in the park with us while we waited for our boy to be taken away, we couldn’t have done it without you. The messages and phone calls of support we have received have blown us away. It’s so comforting to hear all the lovely things you all have to say about Rocky and to know our boy was truly loved.
“We are absolutely grief stricken. We have lost our boy, our son who we adored. A father who was idolised by his daughter, a brother who was loved dearly and an uncle, nephew and friend who was loved and respected. We are broken-hearted, we miss you so much and you will live in our heart’s FOREVER, we are so proud of you.
“We are so sorry if we let you down in anyway, you were always there for us.
“Rocky I’m so proud to be your mum and I cherish every moment that we shared. Anyone who really new you knows you have a heart of gold and you’d do anything tho help those you love.
“Daddy/Rocky our hearts are broken and will never be the same again. We have always loved you and we always will. We will miss you forever, your baby Macy and Jane.
“For those who are helping the police with their enquiries we can’t thank you enough and urge anybody to come forward with any information no matter how insignificant you may think it is.
“This happened in a child’s play park in broad daylight and we would not want any other family to go through what we are going through.”

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