
Harris Academy Bermondsey students celebrate stunning A-level success

Pupils at Harris Academy Bermondsey are celebrating a stunning set of outcomes, with students offered places at universities including Oxford, Cambridge, York, UCL, King’s and LSE.

All three girls with places at Oxford and Cambridge are the first in their families to attend university. They are:

  • Korede, who spent two hours per day commuting to the academy and back home again until lockdown in Year 13, and who was awarded 2 A*s and an A and is going on to read philosophy at  Jesus College, Cambridge
  • Fatjona, who achieved A*AA and is going on to read English at Worcester College, Oxford
  • Elizabeth, who achieved A*AA and is going on to read French and history at Brasenose College, Oxford

Other students attending top universities in the UK include:

  • Niambi, who achieved A*AAA and is going to study medical physics at UCL
  • Malvina, who achieved A*A*A and is going to read history and politics at York. Malvina is the first generation in her family to study at university.
  • Safa, who achieved A*AAA and is going to read engineering at UCL. Safa is the first of our sixth form students to read engineering at university. She is also the first generation in her family to study at university.
  • Ruwaida, who achieved A*AA and is going to read law and anthropology at LSE. Ruwaida successfully completed the LSE Pathways to Law. She is the first generation in her family to study at university.
  • Elizabeth, who achieved BBC and is going on to read adult nursing at King’s College. London.

Korede, who is going to read philosophy at Jesus College, Cambridge, said: “I’m going to miss HAB so much.

“I’m just so grateful for everything you have done, I couldn’t have done this without the support of the teachers. Thank you so much, I can’t believe it.”

Rebecca Iles-Smith, principal of Harris Academy Bermondsey, said: “So many of our students and families suffered in lockdown, but our Year 13 are the definition of resilience.

“Many are the first in their family to go to university and have overcome huge challenges to achieve this highly.

“They have come so far already and I feel they are ready to change the world. I cannot wait to see what else they achieve in their futures.”

Pictured top: Fatjona and Malvina

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