
“Inadequate testing means care home death figure in Croydon is still unknown,” claim councillors

By Tara O’Connor, Local Democracy Reporter

The true number of deaths in Croydon’s care homes is still unknown because of inadequate testing, councillors have claimed.

The borough has the highest number of care homes in London, with more than 3,000 residents living in 140 homes.

The government announced on Wednesday that more testing will be available for staff and residents following concerns that many more people are dying in care homes than is being reported.

Yvette Hopley, Croydon council’s shadow cabinet member for adult social care, said she was aware of a number of Covid-19 cases at different care homes in the borough, and wants to see the numbers collated by the council.

The council said this was not something that can be provided as numbers are confirmed through a combination of the Care Quality Commissions (CQC) and hospitals.

“I think it should be a priority that we know exactly what’s happening in each care home and ensuring that the right safeguarding measures are in place,” said Councillor Hopley.

She added that as far as she is aware residents with the virus have not been using community facilities.

The issue of coronavirus hitting Croydon’s care homes was raised at the council’s health and social care sub-committee meeting on March 10.

Chairman of that committee, Cllr Sean Fitzsimons, told us: “My concern has been that we had a ticking time bomb – there has been a lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) and testing, which means that residents who are very vulnerable are at risk.

“I have to say the council was aware of an issue here and I am surprised it has taken the government so long to start talking about care homes. It seems to me that we’ve let it get out of control.

Cllr Jane Avis, Croydon’s cabinet member for families, health and social care, said the council was doing “everything in its power” to give care homes extra support in this challenging time including financial help, infection control training and additional protective equipment.

Last week the council launched an appeal for businesses to donate PPE for frontline social care workers.

Cllr Avis said: “We have been saddened to hear of Covid-19 deaths in the borough and cases in our care homes, but the full picture is not verifiable at local level because of a lack of government testing.

“The council welcomes the government’s commitment to focus much more on widening availability of Covid-19 testing and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for the care sector, but it remains unclear what this means in practice for local authorities.

“I urge ministers to assist care homes to source essential PPE supplies and to begin widespread testing as soon as possible to give greater protection to care home residents and staff in our borough.

“If this nationwide pandemic stretches into months rather than weeks, it is equally vital that ministers give longer-term assurances so care homes also have the right funding and PPE, not just for the short and medium-term.”

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