
McDonald’s ‘safe spaces’ where workers are trained to use bleed kits and defibrillators

Greenwich council has opened safe spaces in McDonald’s across the borough for people to go when they need help.

Known as Safehaven Superhubs, the spaces offer refuge for anyone who is in an emergency, feels harassed or unsafe, or is in need of medical help while waiting for an ambulance or the police to arrive.

The new Safehaven Superhubs are located at the McDonald’s branches in Yorkshire Grey, Middle Park, Powis Street in Woolwich, and Eltham High Street.

These locations have been chosen based on crime data, and feedback from local communities about where they feel most safe, but any business is welcome to sign up to the scheme. 

McDonald’s was repeatedly brought up as a location where people, especially young people, felt safe.

Police and Greenwich council officers have worked together to train McDonald’s staff in how to use defibrillators and bleed kits in medical emergencies.

The training also covers how to respond to antisocial behaviour, safeguarding, serious youth violence, gender-based violence and hate crime.

Greenwich councillor Ann-Marie Cousins, said: “We have created Safehaven Superhubs so that anyone no matter their age has somewhere safe to go and seek help and support when they feel unsafe, have been a victim of hate crime, or are feeling vulnerable.”

Pictured top: Council workers and McDonald’s staff in a Safehaven Superhub (Picture: David Madden)

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