‘More cash needed for housing repairs’
A rent hike of more than four per cent is “vital” to carry out repairs on shoddy council housing in the borough, according to the leader of Croydon council.
Outgoing leader Hamida Ali was interviewed by ITV News’ Daniel Hewitt, a year after shocking living conditions in a council block in Regina Road were exposed by the news programme.
At a time when the cost of living is rising, council tenants will be hit with a 4.1 per cent rent rise next month.
This is equivalent to average weekly rents for a two-bedroomed home rising from £110.88 to £115.42.
Anger over the rise saw people take to the steps of the town hall to protest last week.
The protest came as a report by Croydon council’s housing improvement board said residents across the three blocks were “still living in very poor conditions”.
In the ITV interview, Councillor Ali said: “It’s important to remember that council social rents in Croydon are below average and that it is the Government expectation that we make this rise. Almost every social landlord in the country is making this increase.
“That increased funding is vital to be able to achieve financially the kind of improvements we are talking about and I want our residents to experience.”