Number of council homes in Lambeth homes to more than double as Westbury estate redevelopment is approved
Eight-storey blocks of 124 new homes have been approved as part of the second phase to rebuild an estate.
The proposals for the Westbury Estate, near Wandsworth Road rail station, South Lambeth, more than doubles the amount of affordable housing and increases the amount of council housing in Lambeth borough by 53 per cent.
The number of family-sized council homes, for local families, will more than double.
The plans, which follow the completion in 2021 of a 100 per cent affordable first phase with 64 new council homes, will see the demolition of 46 existing homes, replacing them with new homes ranging from four to eight storeys.
The first phase of the regeneration enabled all existing tenants to be rehoused into new homes, with additional homes available for families on Lambeth’s housing waiting list.
Lambeth’s planning committee also gave permission for Homes for Lambeth to amend the outline masterplan to allow all the homes to use Air-Sourced Heat pumps to support a move to an all-electric energy generation strategy that reduces carbon emissions.
The plans for phase 2 will see a reduction in regulated carbon by 70 per cent, twice the reduction required by planning policy, as part of HFL’s commitment to supporting Lambeth Council’s pledge to work toward net-zero carbon by 2030.
Caroline Pillay, Chair of Homes for Lambeth Group said: “This is an important milestone for Homes for Lambeth and Lambeth Council, and evidence of the great work we can achieve together.
We are at the forefront of building more sustainable homes in Lambeth.
Our commitment to build better homes focuses on energy efficient designs, improving air quality, and improving lives by reducing fuel poverty.”
Cllr Matthew Bennett, deputy leader of Lambeth Council and lead for New Homes, added: “ I’m delighted that these new homes have secured planning permission.
London faces a severe housing crisis and it’s only by building more council homes that we can help some of the thousands of homeless families who are currently living in temporary accommodation.”
Pictured: Westbury Phase 2 CGI - Contributed pic from Homes for Lambeth