
Deptford play centre appeals for community support in staying open

A parents’ group from one of London’s most deprived areas has launched an appeal to fund a play centre.

The Spacehive crowdfunder aims to raise £54,068 to enable families to enjoy safe outdoor play whatever the weather, through a soft pour floor and transparent shelter beside Deptford Park.

The campaigners are inviting families in the surrounding area tomorrow, Friday March  13, to the centre, Deptford Park Play Club, to sing, eat and chat to local community heroes and Lewisham MP Vicky Foxcroft.   

Deptford parents and carers saved the Deptford Park Play Club, a former Sure Start centre, from closure after central government cut funding by two-thirds a few years ago.

Parents now give up their time for free to make it an open-door, year-round haven for educational play, socialising and support for families from Deptford, Greenwich and Southwark.

They hope to thwart austerity by harnessing the power of passionate parent volunteers, Evelyn Parents Forum have stretched a shoestring budget a long way in an area with 49 per cent child poverty – the most deprived ward in Lewisham. They serve hot vegan food everyday, using food that would otherwise go to waste. 

The centre’s outdoor space urgently needs refurbishment, but Deptford Park Play Club has no funding for core costs. So they are asking Deptford, Southwark and Greenwich residents to join the crowdfunder and become part of the Play Club extended family. 

Amanda Hibbs from Deptford Park Play Club said: ‘Our vision is to reach out to more and more families from all walks of life as the Deptford area, turning the tables on the pervading culture of isolation with our Play Club extended family.’

‘We deliver crucial daily services and hot food so that the next generation of young Londoners can realise their full potential. We know how important the early years are, and in our impoverished community no family need struggle alone. We look forward to welcoming you!’

In 2016 the project won the ALMO Award for Best Resident-led Community Initiative and in 2017 the Mayor’s Award for Voluntary Contribution to the Community. 

To help with the appeal, go to:

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