
Positive reviews after stock-take of community funding

Fresh grants for worthy causes have been given extra impetus by praise from community groups in the Elephant and Castle area which have benefited.

Walking sessions and arts workshops for people with dementia are among great causes supported through the Elephant and Castle Community Fund.

End-of-year report figures for the fund show another productive year in the initiative’s aim to support the local community.

In August 2023, funding was awarded to eight local groups, which have supported a total of 746 people across the Elephant and Castle community during 2024. Projects received £75,000 in council grants going towards a range of work, from arts initiatives to STEM skills training.

The fund aims to help drive local community initiatives which promote the area, help the disadvantaged and help people gain work experience and ultimately employment.

Themes outlined in the funds current objectives are further education and skills, young people, wellbeing, the environment, and arts and culture.

Cllr Helen Dennis, cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development said: “It’s great to see the Elephant and Castle Community Fund continuing to make such a tangible impact, supporting the local community through programmes which are enriching the lives of residents.

“This fund is an important way of connecting the community with new opportunities, helping people learn new skills, grow in confidence and build friendships.

“Whether it is through gardening, creative arts, English lessons or coding classes, the organisations supported through this fund are doing incredible work and will have a lasting impact on the lives that they touch.”

Silverfit is one of the groups to have enjoyed success thanks to support from the fund in the past. Their mission is to support healthy and happy aging through exercise classes for older communities across London.

Eddie Brocklesby, chief executive and founder of Silverfit, said: “We are so grateful to the Elephant and Castle Community Fund for their generous support of Silverfit Nordic Walking sessions in Burgess Park, Yoga at the Elephant and Castle Community and Engagement Hub and exciting new sessions in the pipeline for 2025.

“This support is vital in promoting the well-being and health of our ageing population, and we couldn’t be more thankful.”

Groups awarded in the latest round of grants include the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association which received £9,400 over one year to provide 70 people with English language (ESOL) classes and careers advice for newly arrived refugee women.

The Arts 4 Dementia group meanwhile received funding for workshops aimed at those with early-stage dementia and their carers, including activities such as journaling, ceramics and textiles to reduce isolation.

Other groups receiving funding focused on work around topics including climate change education for children, STEM skills education and local theatre.

The community fund was set-up in 2012 and grants have been given out once a year, ever since. Originally it was just Southwark council and Lendlease (the developers of Elephant Park) who contributed money and the total fund was £50k per year.

In 2022, Get Living (the developers of Elephant and Castle Town Centre) got onboard and the total fund is now £75k per year.

Pictured top: A climate education course that is also profiting from the E&C Community Fund (Picture: Southwark council)


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