
Primary school kids to become Southbank Centre stars in Rapunzel performance

Children from a primary school in Lambeth are taking to the stage at the Southbank Centre later this week, in the evergreen fairy story Rapunzel.

Seven youngsters from Heathbrook Primary School in Nine Elms, all aged between eight and 10, will join the cast of contemporary dance theatre company balletLORENT for the award-winning production.

It is being staged as part of the Imagine Children’s Festival on Friday and Saturday.

The group were selected following a workshop staged by balletLORENT at Heathbrook Primary, organised by the school’s creative lead and music teacher Savi Bale.

She said: “balletLORENT contacted us to ask if they could come and stage workshops at the school, and select children to take part in the Southbank Centre shows.

“We recognised it was an amazing opportunity for them to experience a professional dance company and take part in fun and creative activities.

Rapunzel – the lead character (Picture: Southbank Centre)

“All of the children in Years 3 and 4 took part in the workshops, which were staged over two days. They loved reacting to the moods of different types of music, pretending to be creatures and creeping around or jumping up and down, and using props like ribbons and ropes.

“Some of the children who were selected to take part were quiet and reserved, so it’s been wonderful to see them come into their own when they’re performing on the Queen Elizabeth Hall stage. They adore the costumes and are jumping up and down with excitement.

“The best bit is being on the stage wearing the costumes,” said nine-year-old Martha after rehearsals. Alice, eight, added: “The stage is huge,” For Amelle, also eight, “The best bit is when we play with the ribbons on the stage”.

“We pretend we’re kids in the winter playing around in the castle,” said 10-year-old Anaiah. For Genesis and Constantine, both nine, the experience is simply “So cool.”

Picture: The Heathbrook Primary performers (Picture: Southbank Centre)

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