
Rare accordion stolen from car in Herne Hill

By Toby Porter

An internationally acclaimed folk musician is appealing to the public for help to recover her rare Vignoni 37 key accordion which was stolen from her car on Friday evening.

Faith Elliott has been relying on the instrument, stolen in a soft black accordion case, to earn a small income from teaching online during lockdown.

All of her usual sources of income, including running workshops in Serbia, have been stopped since the thief broke the window of her car in Hurst Street, next to Brockwell Park, on June 5, and snatched it.

The loss of the accordion means her band, Serbian Romani Quartet, will no longer be able to complete the recording of their latest album, set to be released with World Music Network in September.

Faith, from Herne Hill, said: ‘I’m pleading to whoever took the accordion to please hand it in to the police or return it to me.

“You may not have known how precious this instrument is and I’m appealing to you or anyone else who might know where it is to get it back to me if possible.”

The accordion is a Vignoni 37 key; 96 bass; Double Octave and Double Cassotto; black sparkly front cover; red inside the middle bellows; Senheiser microphones fixed inside the accordion and one unique Serbian microphone attached to the outside.

Faith co-formed the original Serbian Romani Quartet after studying in a Romani village in Serbia for 10 years and working in the Serbian and Roma wedding circles.

The group are a favourite on the world music scene, have played BBC and ABC Australia live sessions and feature on the latest Rough Guide compilation for the best new World Jazz Music.

They were also placed in the Top 10 World Music Charts for their last album, recorded with film director Emir Kusturica, and recently completed a 42 venue tour of Australia as well as playing venues such as The Royal Festival Hall, Guca Festival and Glastonbury.

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