
Southwark council staff deliver Easter surprise to vulnerable people

Town hall staff are perking up Easter for hundreds of vulnerable people who are self-isolating in sheltered accommodation.

Southwark council staff are this week giving residents an extra little treat, alongside food parcels – a Fairtrade chocolate egg.

Workers have already delivered 152 food boxes directly to residents and passed a further 50 to other organisations to support their deliveries.

From this week the council has the capacity to make 250 deliveries a day with food banks, Community Southwark, Pembroke House, Age UK, tenant and resident associations.

Weekly deliveries will continue for as long as they are needed, alongside the Government’s deliveries to those who need to be shielded.

Southwark council leader Councillor Peter John said: “As well as the extraordinary effort that all council front line services and the voluntary and charity sector are making to vulnerable residents with essentials and vital support, it’s really important to recognise that we can still do little things which can make people smile, brighten their day or uplift them in such difficult times.

“We hope this will give residents some cheer while they are missing their families and friends at this time of year.”

The Easter eggs were offered to the council at below cost price by Divine Chocolate, a local Fairtrade company, which the council is supporting during difficult times for local businesses.


2 thoughts on “Southwark council staff deliver Easter surprise to vulnerable people

  • Im under server mental an emotional drugs addictuon i no were to go

  • maria carril

    My mum didn’t receive a food box and has lymphoma, skin cancer and diabetes along with liver problems and relieved a vulnerable letter


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