
Staff at Croydon school get into character as they embrace World Book Day

Schools from the GLF Schools multi-academy trust have been celebrating World Book Day this week.

Pupils across dozens of schools have taken part in a wide variety of activities to mark World Book Day, with children and staff dressing up as characters from their favourite stories.

And among those under the GLF umbrella is Meridian High School, Fairchildes Avenue, New Addington, Croydon, where staff dressed as favourite characters.

Students from across South East England have been meeting well-known authors visiting their schools, doing some reading-based orienteering activities and taking part in activities like scavenger hunts for books around schools, and a design competition for a national book token.

Students have also taken part in a sponsored three week read for the ‘Read for Good’ charity, which aims to ensure all students have a love of reading, and the resources to access books.

Julian Drinkall, chief executive of GLF Schools, said: “I’ve been delighted to see the huge variety of ways in which World Book Day has been celebrated across our trust. Our teachers have approached World Book Day with ingenuity and enthusiasm, and I’m confident many more pupils will be reading for pleasure as a result of events this week.”

World Book Day is a charity event held annually on the first Thursday in March. On World Book Day, every child in full-time education in the UK and Ireland is provided with a voucher to be spent on books. The event was first celebrated in the UK in 1998.

Pictured top: Meridian teachers get into the spirit of the occasion (Picture: GLF)

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