
Visually impaired are in the swim with new lessons

Fusion Lifestyle, in partnership with SELVis (South East London and Vision), has been offering swimming lessons for residents with a visual impairment

These sessions have been running since September at Glass Mill Leisure Centre in central Lewisham.

The success of these sessions has led to SELVis, with the aid of funding from the Community Athletics Funding, to start VI gym sessions.

The first session was held at the end of November, with sessions starting full time this month. These sessions will take place at 2pm on Wednesdays from now on.

Matthew Houghton, divisional sport and community development manager for Lewisham, said: “We are really happy to work with SELVis to offer residents with a visual impairment the chance to use the leisure centres.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for local residents with a visual impairment to access the leisure centre.”

Jessica Beal, SELVis project co-ordinator, said: “The staff at Glass Mill have been brilliant. The swimming teacher was really patient and understanding.

“We are glad to be able to offer this opportunity to visually impaired residents.

“We can’t wait to give visually impaired users the opportunity to use the gym in 2018.

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