Property developer to deliver 282 ‘affordable homes’ in Clapham
A major property developer and Build To Rent (BTR) provider have agreed to deliver 190 new homes.
Countryside Partnerships and Sigma Capital Group have agreed two deals with a combined value of just under £80million on two of its schemes.
At Clapham Park, one of Countryside Partnerships’ regeneration schemes, 115 BTR homes worth £56million are set to be built.
The wider mixed-tenure regeneration scheme will deliver 2,482 homes, of which 53 per cent will be “affordable”.
During its first phase, the scheme will deliver 520 homes, 282 will be affordable, as well as 123 private homes.
Countryside Partnerships plans to deliver community, educational, retail and commercial facilities and public realm enhancements.
The developer has said investment will be allocated to placemaking and social value initiatives, to ensure the community benefits from the schemes.
Stephen Teagle, chief executive of Countryside Partnerships, said: “The addition of build-to-rent homes for two of our major schemes will help to meet the increasing demand for quality rental homes where demand is outstripping supply.”
Pictured Top: An aerial view of Countryside Partnerships’ sites (Picture: MTVH)