Brixton BMX and Peckham BMX compete in first event of 2021
Brixton and Peckham’s BMX clubs were part of the first competitive event in 2021 earlier this month in Merton.
Males and females competed in many classes.
Felix Chambers won the mixed 6-and-under novice A final, while Lucas Tewolde won the mixed 7-and-under expert A final. Emile Challenger claimed the mixed 7-8 novice A final.

Adrian Gailitis won the mixed-8 expert A final and their were also successes for Oliver Merron (mixed 9-expert A final), Oscar Chambers (mixed 9-10 novice A) and Oliver Tyers (mixed 10 expert A).
Noah Turner won the mixed 11 year old expert A final with victories for Leonard Mandzi (mixed 11-12 novice A), Dexter Cobbin (mixed 12 expert A), Thomas Miller (mixed 13 expert A), Thomas Sequeira (13-16 mixed novice A) and Dexter Gambe (mixed 14 expert A)l.

Arguably the most thrilling races of the day was the mixed 15-16 expert A final. Race leaders Lukah Mckenzie and Alex Taylor collided at high speed on the second berm, allowing Max Allfrey to blast past to take the win.

The mixed 17-plus expert A final was won by Neil Brunjes. Other winners were Saul Taylor (17-plus mixed novice A), Kevin Merron (mixed 17+ expert cruiser A) and Anna Katz (BMXercise A).
Main Pic: The BMXercise riders were delighted to be able to compete for the first time