
Tree surgeons abandon contract to cut down Old Tidemill Garden amid fierce opposition from residents

Tree surgeons have pulled out of a contract to cut down a community garden amid fierce opposition from residents.

Residents were horrified when Artemis Tree Services Ltd employees began cutting down trees in the Old Tidemill Garden,

Artemis then pulled out of the job following an outcry from campaigners who oppose Lewisham council and Peabody’s plans to flatten the garden and build about 200 homes instead.

Credit: Artemis Facebook (not image of workers at Old Tidemill)

A statement from Artemis said: “Artemis Tree Services have heard the voice of the Lewisham people and have decided to remove themselves from the Tidemill Project.”

The contractors were employed by Peabody.

Harriet Vickers, who lives in Frankham house next to the Old Tidemill Garden, said: “It was so distressing for people to hear the trees coming down. I was sitting in my room and I could hear it happen it was horrible.

“We’re so pleased Artemis have now decided to pull out. They must not have known beforehand what this place meant to us.

“The fact that no more trees have been cut down is a massive relief.”

Children playing in Old Tidemill treehouse

Peabody’s scheme could see a large proportion of the garden cut down and a wildlife pathway built in its place.

Residents have campaigned against this since plans were passed by the council in 2017.

The campaigners are currently appealing a high court ruling that gave Peabody and the council the green light.

Reginald Road resident Ruby Radburn said: “It’s great that they listened to the feelings of local people and decided to pull out of the contract.
“If only Lewisham council would do the same.”

We have contacted Peabody for a comment.

One thought on “Tree surgeons abandon contract to cut down Old Tidemill Garden amid fierce opposition from residents

  • Malcolm Wills

    Great report. Thank you. Thank goodness these tree surgeons have a conscience. Please tell us more about this story. I walked past the garden the other day and it looked like some sort of prison camp all boarded up and surrounded by guards and dogs barking. What is the council playing at?!


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