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Trinity Laban celebrates the 250th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth announcing a series of events

To celebrate the 250th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth, Trinity Laban have announced they will launch a series of events.

The Beethoven+ Series will start this spring spearheaded by the Trinity Laban Keyboard Department.

The free festival features eight events which explore varying aspects of the composer’s output, contextualise his work alongside that of his contemporaries in a wider creative landscape, and feature
new compositions in response to the composer’s work to offer refreshing ways of understanding Beethoven’s works.

The series opens on March 9 with international pianist Martino Tirimo’s (pictured above) performance of Beethoven’s Diabelli Variations.

Martino, who is a professor of piano at Trinity Laban, recently completed the feat of recording the complete piano works of Beethoven.

The 16 CDs have been released with the Hänssler Classic label and this concert will be a celebration of this major recorded achievement.

Head of Trinity Laban’s Keyboard Department, Sergio De Simone, said: “We are so grateful to Martino for opening the Beethoven+ Festival with the Diabelli Variations, a monumental work that faces the future and is an explosion of creativity.

“I could not have asked for a better opening.”

Vocal students will unite with pianists to present an evening of song featuring works by Beethoven, Clara Schumann, Franz Schubert and Mozart on March 26.

The Old Royal Naval Chapel will play host to an evening of secular and sacred music, including a performance by 2020 Trinity Laban Gold Medal Winner baritone Theo Perry on May 1.

Rounding off the Series, Trinity Laban Fulbright Scholar Garrett Snedeker presents a lecture recital on gender connotations in Beethoven’s piano sonatas.

Garrett said: “I’ll be exploring Beethoven’s piano sonatas as dramatic dialogues between musical characters.

“Just as people identify and express themselves in gendered ways, these musical characters often reflect gendered identities too.

“We’ll listen for ways these gendered characters interact, and how we can relate these interactions to conversations around gender today.”

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