Uber Eats rider pinned to the ground by five officers in Deptford says he was targeted because of race
By Grainne Cuffe, local democracy reporter
A Black delivery driver who was pinned to the ground by five police officers, held in a cell for 16 hours, denied water and strip-searched, has said he was targeted because of his race.
Levi Scott, 25, an Uber Eats rider from Sydenham, was eventually released with no further action being taken.
Mr Scott had just left Morleys on Deptford High Street on June 19 to complete the final job of a 12-hour shift when he was approached by two officers.
They said they had seen him cycling on the pavement.
After he began filming the interaction, Levi said his phone was slapped out of his hand, before he was wrestled to the ground, pinned, and handcuffed by five officers.
In the police station he was told a strip-search was necessary, which he said was a “horrible experience”.
After being placed in a cell, his requests for water, food and a phone call were ignored for two hours.
Mr Scott believes he was targeted because of his race and is lodging an official complaint with the Met, alleging officers profiled him.
The incident has sparked criticism from Lewisham’s Trade Union Council who has called for “proper scrutiny” of local police.

Lewisham TUC president Cheryl McLeod said: “This seems to be a common theme for people of Afrikan heritage by the local constabulary from Lewisham police station.
“Lewisham TUC were dismayed the victim reported he was physically restrained, assaulted, searched and arrested as he worked.
“Just to be clear this type of behaviour from the police has been prevalent in the community of people of Afrikan descent for many decades, therefore it’s nothing new.”
Last May a black woman was filmed shouting “I can’t breathe” while she was pinned to the ground by six police officers as she was arrested in Lewisham.
The same month Lewisham police were accused of racial profiling after footage showed a black, off-duty ambulance driver being handcuffed and searched for drugs in Deptford.
Both incidents happened the same month George Floyd died at the hands of US police.
Mc McLeod said: “What about those incidents which are not captured on camera?
“How many have there been, where again people of Afrikan heritage are been racially profiled, and in some cases just doing their day job or finishing their shift like this gentleman in the video.
“This member is from one of our Trade Union Council affiliates, therefore we are demanding that the executive mayor of Lewisham and the cabinet member portfolio holder meet urgently with the borough police commander to find out why this man was arrested.

“The questions they need to ask are: Why this man was denied water after finishing a 12-hour shift?
“What steps are to be taken to stop this type of policing in the borough of Lewisham?
“Lewisham TUC expect that this reported in full to Lewisham Stop and Search monitoring group.”
Deputy mayor Councillor Brenda Dacres, also cabinet member for safer communities, said she has arranged a meeting with the borough commander.
She said: “Lewisham is one of the most diverse boroughs in London and residents are understandably concerned about what has been circulating online.
“I too was shocked and upset when I saw these images.
“Vicky Foxcroft MP and I have arranged to meet with the acting police borough commander to raise our concerns and find out more about what happened.”
A spokesperson for the Met Police said: “We are aware of video footage circulating on social media showing parts of a stop and search of a male in Deptford High Street on Saturday, 19 June.
“The male was approached and stopped by officers after being observed cycling on the pavement.
“The footage online shows a portion of the entire interaction of in the incident between the officers and the man who was stopped.
“We fully appreciate and understand the concern incidents like this can cause in the community based upon the footage circulated.
“The matter has been referred to the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards who have reviewed all material available, including the full capture of the officers’ body worn video, in order to understand the full facts.
“This review of the incident has been completed and has not identified any concerns around the officers’ conduct.
“Our officers understand that their actions will be scrutinised as they go about their work, and that the public have the right to hold them to account where appropriate.
“The Met has reached out to the male concerned, who was released with no further action, and awaits a response.”