Kings Avenue Primary School – The Most Improved School In Lambeth!
Kings Avenue Primary School, a once failing school has completely turned around and is now one of the most improved schools in Lambeth.
Over the last three years the staff have work incredibly hard and the results are impressive. Attendance has increased from 94% to 97%.

Behaviour is outstanding, attainment has doubled and leadership is strong.
A recent Ofsted inspection, June 21, confirmed the significant and impressive changes.
Since the last full inspection, senior leaders have created a culture of reading for pleasure.
This is developed further through the English curriculum. Teachers now plan their English lessons around whole-class texts.
Staff model reading aloud to their classes every day. Pupils are enthusiastic about the books they read in class and at home.
Recently, the school library reopened after its closure due to COVID-19. Pupils enjoy their fortnightly visits.
From Reception onwards, all pupils learn to read using a phonics programme. Teachers check pupils’ progress and provide timely support.
Pupils now get extra help with their reading in small-group phonics sessions.
They also read aloud to a familiar adult every day. Since the third national lockdown, subject leaders have built opportunities for debate and discussion into the curriculum.
Pupils can write at length and for a variety of purposes and audiences. Pupils now take greater pride in the presentation and volume of their written work.
Teachers have improved the way they adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
They work with senior leaders to adjust tasks and resources so that all pupils can do well.
The headteacher, Rachel Mollett joined the school three years ago just after the last inspection.
She would like to thank the whole school and local community for the support they have shown her.
Miss Mollett moves to the new position of Executive Headteacher in another school In September and wishes the new leadership team all the best.
Kings Avenue School
Kings Avenue, London SW4 8BQ
Phone: 020 7622 1208