Westminster Council to find savings of £43 million over three years
By Owen Sheppard, local democracy reporter
Despite going for only a small rise in council tax, Westminster Council will have to find savings of up to £43 million over the next three years.
It comes after the pandemic has ravaged its finances, particularly where the council lost money in the coronavirus pandemic from lost parking charges, business rates, unpaid council tax and rents.
Like all councils, it has also spent huge amounts on protecting residents from the pandemic, and on resources for staff such as PPE.
Its budget for the new financial year, agreed on March 3 at a Full Council meeting, shows that savings of £16 million will be found in 2021/22, including £2.5 million from adult social care services.
But there are also investments in major projects such as the £150 million transformation of Oxford Street, extending fibre broadband to council estates and installing electric vehicle charge points.
Here’s what we learnt…
Council tax to pay for care of vulnerable adults
Westminster Council tax will go up by 3.5 per cent, but it comes in two parts.
The first three per cent is decided by the Government and must be spent on adult social care services. The other 0.5 per cent is Westminster Council’s own choosing.
Council leader Rachael Robathan said: “We need to help our residents in the short term by keeping household bills low, that is why in contrast with every other London borough, we are only increasing council tax in line with inflation.”
It means residents in Band D homes will pay £15.69 more a year.
Labour said “now is not the time” to raise tax, and argued that central government should give councils more funding instead.
An amendment from the Labour group to stop the tax rise was voted down by the majority Conservative group.
Staff cuts ‘will affect morale’
The council aims to make £3.4 million of savings over three years by hiring fewer agency workers across its services.
Labour leader, councillor Adam Hug, warned that not filling roles that are currently vacant would add to the workloads of current staff and “impact their productivity”.
And he drew attention to £2.8 million of savings that will be made from cutting “70 rolls from across the council”.
“I know this is having a significant impact on morale after this rough year,” he said.
Another Labour councillor, Nafsika Butler-Thalassis, said that among the £2.5 million to be saved from adult social care by 2024, £800,000 of that will entail losing “roughly 16 staff”.
“It surprises me to hear that Conservative members think cutting 16 staff will not affect service delivery in any way,” she said.
Changes to children’s services
Cllr Tim Roca, also Labour, was concerned that £1.6 million would be cut from children’s services by “amalgamating a number of posts” with Kensington and Chelsea Council and cutting agency staff.
But Cllr Tim Mitchell, the Tories’ deputy leader, pointed to ways the council has helped school children during lockdown by providing nearly 5,000 laptops and devices with the Young Westminster Foundation.
He said vouchers for free meals are set to again be offered to kids this Easter break, and that the council will spend £15 million in the coming years on improvements to school buildings.
‘Work to create a thriving economy’
Cllr Robathan said a new pillar of the Conservative group’s City for All strategy would be “about people and about jobs for our residents”.
Westminster now has a youth unemployment rate of 12 per cent, compared with just under six per cent in the wider population.
“This is dreadful and will only get worse if our economy splutters to a halt,” she said.
“We will work to create a thriving economy. The work we have done in the previous year gives us a great head start.”
She said the council’s move to set up al fresco dining spots in the borough allowed restaurants and pubs to stay open and prevented job losses.
And she said the council successfully lobbied the Treasury to allow more central London businesses to receive business rates relief.
Central government funding
The council’s huge funding shortfall should be plugged by the Government, Labour argues.
Cllr David Boothroyd criticised local government minister Robert Jenrick for telling councils he would cover their losses during the pandemic, only to offer them 75 per cent later on.
Westminster has a £10 million deficit due to lost revenue from commercial rents, fees and charges, which Cllr Boothroyd claimed was more than any inner-London borough.
To make up the shortfall, the council’s budget papers show it will increase various fees and charges to raise £4.3 million by April 2024.
The Government argues it has spent tens of billions on furlough to prevent job losses across the country.
Technology and climate change
The Conservative group stressed that they will keep making capital expenditure investments to create a “smart city”.
Cllr Paul Swaddle, the cabinet member for finance, told the meeting: “In the coming year we will partner with tech businesses to trial new technologies, including sensors to improve road safety, and enabling 5G infrastructure…
“We will continue to facilitate full-fibre broadband to our social housing properties, with the aim of being fully covered by the end of 2021.”
Cllr Melvym Caplan, cabinet for city management, said the council will have installed 1,000 electric vehicle charging points by the end of 2021.
Meanwhile, Cllr Robathan said: “I am delighted to announce that the council has just secured £13 million from the Government to decarbonise up to 45 of our own operational buildings.”