
Wheelchair user at “breaking point” after over a year in council house without disabled access

A mother of two has been forced to live in one room for over a year because her council house has no wheelchair access.

Stacey Louise Walton moved into her temporary accommodation provided by Lewisham Homes in October 2019.

But the 39-year-old wheelchair user has been unable to go outside or go upstairs in her house on Hennel Close, Forest Hill, without two people to help her, because there is no ramp or stairlift.

Ms Walton said: “I’ve got stairs that I can’t go up. I have to be carried by two people to go up my stairs before I can be washed. And then I have to be carried back downstairs by two people.

“I’m a vulnerable adult that is in a property that is not suitable, and is not safe and secure, and not fit for living purposes.

“I can’t live like this any more. I’m just tired. Everyone needs to know what’s going on behind closed doors at Lewisham Homes and Lewisham council and what disabled people in temporary accommodation are going through.”

Ms Walton has missed doctor’s and hospital appointments because she is unable to leave her home independently.

Her application for an electric wheelchair was also turned down because the house does not have a permanent ramp from the door to the street.

Ms Walton also claims that the electrical fittings in the house are unsafe.

She said: “I have no mains working RCD switch, and it’s illegal to rent a property with no switch. 

“I’ve had three fires in my property. Imagine being scared to go to sleep at night because your plug sockets catch fire. Every time you plug something in at my house you get sparks from plug sockets. 

“I’m scared for my own safety, I’m scared for the safety of my children, and I’m at breaking point.”

The council say that a health and safety inspection was carried out before Ms Walton moved into the house and the electrical fittings were found to be compliant with regulations.

Ms Walton was originally referred to temporary housing on January 8, 2018, and since then has lived in three different properties.

She started using a wheelchair in October 2019, and informed the council that she needed one before moving into the house.

A spokeswoman for Lewisham council said: “The council supported Ms Walton with her application for housing, and following a needs assessment she was allocated temporary accommodation. 

“We are aware that Ms Walton’s needs have changed since then and we are working with Ms Walton to find more suitable accommodation as soon as possible.

“In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of households on the housing register that require an adapted home and a shortage in suitable properties. Despite these challenges, our housing team is working hard to ensure residents are placed in appropriate accommodation, in line with our housing allocation policy.

We can confirm that prior to Ms Walton being placed in the accommodation, a property inspection was carried out. At the commencement of her tenancy the accommodation was suitable and the electric installation was health and safety compliant. 

“Lewisham Homes will be making contact with Ms Walton to arrange a further inspection of the electrical installation at the property to ensure the accommodation is fully health and safety compliant.”

Pictured top: Stacey Louise Walton outside her house in Forest Hill

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