
Business as usual in fight against drugs, says senior police officer

Police are taking a tough line on drug dealers still operating amid the coronavirus lockdown, according to one senior officer.

Superintendent Andy Brittain has made an assurance that it is “still business as usual” in fighting violent crime in South London.

And he said it has been a bit easier to catch drug dealers during lockdown as they have switched how they’re transporting their drugs.

Drug crimes in March, when the lockdown started, were similar to the same month the previous year.

Overall in March 2019 there were 2,986 crimes, of which 243 were for drug offences.

While in March 2020 there were 2,835 crimes, 224 of which were for drug offences.

The superintendent for partnership and neighbourhood policing in Croydon, Bromley and Sutton, said: “Crime is still going on, albeit we are seeing reduced levels at the moment.”

He added that officers were still carrying out weapons sweeps in parks and public places, as well as making arrests following stop and searches.

And doing this while trying to observe social distancing guidance is a challenge.


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