Kensington & ChelseaNews

“A majority of the residents who died were people of colour, and we know that” – lawyer tells Grenfell inquiry panel not to ignore race in conclusions to disaster

By Julia Gregory, Local Democracy Reporter

Grenfell survivors and those bereaved by the fire have renewed calls for the Public Inquiry to consider the impact of racism on the disaster.

Lawyers acting for some of those affected by the disaster three years ago made a formal submission to the inquiry panel.

Leslie Thomas QC said: “A majority of the Grenfell residents who died were people of colour, and we know that.

“The statistics are glaring and provide a stark and glaring reminder that Grenfell is inextricably linked with race. It is the elephant in the room.”

He said: “The Grenfell fire did not happen in a vacuum.

“Those who are affected come from culturally, ethically, religiously and ethnically diverse groups.”

And he drew parallels with George Floyd’s last words, with some residents also telling emergency services operators they could not breathe – words which were projected on to the walls of the tower before the inquiry resumed this week.

Survivor Joseph John moved into Grenfell three months before the fire

He said the inquiry should definitely consider whether racism played a part in what happened.

He moved to the UK from his home in Trinidad in 2016 and said people are sometimes worried that if they do not accept housing they are offered they will become homeless.

“For me it’s been a problem because they did not have a voice,” he said.

“People were suffering there. They had no other choice.”

Some 85 per cent of the 67 permanent residents of Grenfell who died in the fire were from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.

They included 32 people from the Middle East and North Africa, nine from East Africa and seven who were white British or Irish.

There were also five from West Africa, five from Bangladesh or with  Bangladeshi heritage, three from the Caribbean, one from the Philippines, one resident from Columbia and one person with unidentified BAME heritage, said Mr Thomas.

He added: “This is your time to break the pattern of disengagement with race and poverty.

“This disaster happened in a pocket of one of the richest areas of London.

“The impact of race and poverty to this disaster, this inquiry, must not be ignored.”

He pointed out that just as Covid-19 has disproportionately affected “people of colour” in the UK, Grenfell also claimed the lives of many BAME residents.

And he said the protests following the murder of George Floyd in the USA “gives voice to collective pain and anger”.

He said: “Just as with George Floyd’s death so with Grenfell. We collectively were viewers and quasi-eye witnesses to those horrific deaths of what happened at Grenfell”.

“Investigating issues of race and poverty can garner the confidence of the local community.

“How resources are spent and allocated, how residents are treated, how seriously their legitimate concerns are dealt with are all impacted by who they are.

“This disaster happened in a city where there is one housing system for the rich and another housing system for the poor.”

He also pointed out that “it must be morally repugnant” that so many people with disabilities were in the upper floors.

Pictured top: The burning tower

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