
Knowledge-Rich Curriculum at Trinity Academy

Trinity Academy has “an aspirational curriculum for all pupils.” (Ofsted, June 2022)

At Trinity Academy, we are proudly celebrating our Sixth Formers’ fantastic successes in gaining places at top universities including three Cambridge University offers.

Their Trinity education from Year 7 was grounded in our ‘knowledge-rich curriculum’.

We carefully select what we teach and the order in which it is taught using a range of bespoke textbooks designed by subject experts at the Future Academies Curriculum Centre.

Trinity Academy

On each step of their learning journey through Key Stage 3, Trinity pupils can see the connections between what they are learning now and what they have been taught previously.

They build on their understanding in a logical way and move step by step towards a deepening mastery of each subject.

Trinity Academy is “ambitious for all pupils to achieve highly.” (Ofsted, June 2022)

We make sure that in every subject we start by putting the essential foundational knowledge in place in Year 7: for example, studying grammar and reading classic texts such as the Odyssey and Beowulf underpin pupils’ work in Year 7 English.

Engaging with challenging material and new subjects such as Latin through accessible and fascinating topics, stretches our pupils and develops their confidence as learners.

Trinity Academy

Trinity Academy teachers have “strong subject knowledge.” (Ofsted, June 2022)

To teach a ‘knowledge-rich curriculum’ effectively, a school needs teachers who have studied their subject to degree level.

At Trinity Academy, our teachers hold top degrees from leading universities, so they are true subject experts in the classroom and inspire their pupils to achieve their own future academic success.

Come and see for yourself by booking a place at a Trinity Academy 
Open Day in October 2022.
 Website: Trinity Academy - Home (

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