St Martin-in-the-Fields High School… Proud to be a girl’s school
As one of very few all-girl schools in our local area, St Martin-in-the-Fields High School for Girls offers a unique environment in which our women of the future can learn, grow and explore the variety of opportunities on offer to them.
Statistically, girls educated in single-sex schools achieve higher grades and more qualifications than students who learn at mixed schools.
Teaching and learning styles are tailored to the needs of our girls, and they receive a bespoke and personalised education which allows them to achieve their best.

There is a real feeling of unity and sisterhood amongst our St Martin’s girls, past and present.
Our students are nurtured in a safe and supportive environment which offers a real sense of belonging.
The girls at St Martin’s support each other and build strong, supportive relationships.
As a single-sex school, we strive to empower our young women and help them to realise their potential.
Our girls learn skills of leadership, are not defined by gender stereotypes, and grow to become the best version of themselves.
Their opportunities and options are limitless.
We very much look forward to seeing you at our Open Evening on 22 September 6-8 pm or during one of our Open Mornings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9 am until 31 October.
St Martin’s is a Church of England academy with a co-ed Sixth Form.

Inspired by our motto “Caritate et Disciplina”, our vision is to create a safe, caring, happy and inclusive community underpinned by our Christian values of Faith, Hope and Love.
We want our students to flourish in faith and knowledge, developing their unique gifts and talents in the classroom, in the wider life of the school and beyond.
We believe that reverence for God, respect for self, others and the environment is essential, and we therefore dedicate our efforts towards fostering these virtues.
Through our character education at St Martin’s, we will ensure our students are HEROIC: Hopeful, Enquiring, Respectful, Organised, Independent and Collaborative.
Our students will fulfil their academic potential, but more than this, our students will develop the skills, competencies, personal qualities and characteristics that will help them to be successful in the future.
St Martin-in-the-Fields High School for Girls
155 Tulse Hill London SW2 3UP
020 8674 5594
Pictures: St Martin-in-the-Fields High School for Girls