
Everything I Ever Wanted to Tell My Daughter About Men explores sexual assault and trauma

We have seen time and time again how film can be used to highlight injustices and Everything I Ever Wanted to Tell My Daughter About Men is the latest example of this, writes Molly Pavord.

The non-profit film is a feminist exploration of sexual assault and trauma and it is currently being screened at Clapham Picturehouse.

In line with its hard-hitting themes, all proceeds of the film will go to Refuge, a UK-based charity that runs the National Domestic Abuse Helpline.

The film follows one woman’s relationship history and highlights the repercussions of sexual assault on her future choices, as well as other traumas such as teenage pregnancy, infidelity and addiction.

Director and lead actress Lorien Haynes said: “This is a film made by survivors for survivors.

“It’s one woman’s journey to break free from the weight of abuse and to try to learn to love herself.”

According to Refuge, one in four women in England and Wales are experiencing domestic abuse and two women a week are killed by a current or former partner.

Ms Haynes said: “I wanted to work with Refuge for the film as a survivor myself, encouraging women to tell their own stories. This is mine. And I know from experience how painful it is to speak out.

“Women’s voices and survivors’ stories are often side-lined. In telling my own story, I wanted to put my heart on my sleeve, jump and encourage other women to do the same.”

Refuge has recently worked with grassroots organisation Make it Mandatory to campaign for the introduction of education for 16-19 year olds about the early warning signs of domestic abuse.

Their petition has been signed by almost 70,000 people and they have since written to the Secretary of State urging action.


Picture: A still from the film, with Jonathan Firth and Lorien Haynes Picture: Finite, Terra Nova and Lila Productions

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