
Private renters will have influence on next election

Private renters feel ignored by politicians. ~

Yet research by homelessness charity Shelter shows that our views on housing will influence the next General Election.

To give a local example, 73 per cent of private renters in Lewisham East say housing policies will be a factor when deciding who to vote for at the next General Election.

The homes we live in are crumbling.

The cracks in our country’s broken private renting system are widening.

We’ve had enough of waiting for long promised reform.

Private renting voters will be critical at the next General Election, but we feel let down by politicians who haven’t done enough on housing.

Renters need more rights and their voices heard.

Years of promises to reform our broken renting system are meaningless until changes become law.

The Government must bring forward the Renters’ Reform Bill.

Marie-Michelle Mousse


Picture: Pixabay/mastersenaiper

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