Pet’s Corner Q&A
My rabbit, Thumper, has an overgrown tooth. We try to help by giving him things to chew as well as hard fresh food but it doesn’t seem to be helping. What can we do to help him?
Rabbits’ teeth don’t stop growing they need to constantly graze on hay or growing grass, to wear them down.
If this doesn’t happen, their teeth can become too long and sharp, causing pain and discomfort.
Dental disease is common in rabbits, due to the wrong diet or their inherited head shape because of selective breeding.
Once your vet has trimmed your rabbit’s teeth and with a change of diet your rabbit may manage to keep their dental issues under control.
In rare cases, sometimes teeth need extracting but this can be more complicated in rabbits.
However, dental issues can be a lifelong problem. Visit your vet for more in-depth advice.
For information on dental issues in rabbits please visit
My young cat Charlie keeps weeing on the floor. What can I do to stop him doing this?
If Charlie has just started doing this then, it could be because of a medical issue such as a urinary infection or it could be due to stress, so we advise that you take him, with a fresh urine sample, to be checked by your vet.
If this has always been a problem, make sure that you provide more than one litter tray.

Check the sides aren’t too high for him and that they’re not placed near a door, walk way or near a window, as he might feel vulnerable.
Some cats prefer complete privacy, so a litter tray with a roof, may suit him better.
Consider the type of cat litter that you’re using and the depth of litter that you offer, be sure to make sure he feels comfortable to dig down.
It’s also important to remember that cats like a clean toilet, so be sure to clean up after every use.
Find out more here:
My dogs Nelly and Olive are due to go to the kennels for the first time this summer. I’m worried about kennel cough, should I be?
Most good kennels will ask to see proof of kennel cough vaccination before letting dogs in, so you should have peace of mind that all dogs visiting the kennels have been vaccinated against it, meaning a breakout is much less likely.
However, like any vaccine, the kennel cough vaccine doesn’t give 100 per cent guaranteed protection, but it does reduce the chance that your dog will catch kennel cough and reduces symptoms if they do catch it.

If your dogs were to catch kennel cough though, in many cases they get better on their own, although it often takes a while, however if they are badly affected they may need a course of antibiotics.
If Nelly and Olive haven’t had their kennel cough vaccination yet, ask your vet about adding it into their vaccine schedule.
Picture: Rabbit – Picture: Pixabay/planet_fox