
Man convicted for pushing teenager over fourth floor balcony and stabbing two men at a party in Borough

A man has been convicted after he pushed an 18-year-old woman from the fourth floor balcony of a luxury flat, leaving her temporarily wheelchair bound, and stabbed two men at a party.

Yusef Ali, 19, of Corry Drive in Brixton, was found guilty of wounding with intent, affray and possession of a bladed article.

On August 3, 2019, Ali and a friend booked out a fourth floor flat at Empire Square in Long Lane, Borough, to host a party overnight.

Outside of Empire Square apartments credit: Stephen Craven

At around 3am the following morning the victim and her friends arrived.

Ali had never met the victim but took an immediate interest in her, grabbing at her and pulling her hair to get her attention.

During the course of the party Ali made inappropriate advances towards the victim.

He put his hand in the thigh rip of the victim’s jeans and aggressively placed his arm around her neck and said “this is what I do in the bedroom”.

He suggested this was just “banter” and continued to behave disrespectfully towards the victim who became visibly agitated.

The victim attempted to ignore his behaviour which made him angry and aggressive.

At around 9am, another group of boys arrived and a fight broke out between them and Ali who had picked up a knife from the kitchen.

Ali was injured with a cut to his lip and head and began waving the knife in people’s faces.

At this point party-goers immediately ran away and Ali stabbed at least two men as they made their way out.

Ali’s female victim managed to get out of the flat and was attempting to call for the lift when he approached her.

She ran to the balcony and called to those below for help but before anyone could do anything Ali ran at her and pushed her over the ledge.

She landed on the hard floor below and suffered significant injuries including fractures to her neck and lower back.

She was in hospital for several weeks and although she is making a good recovery, has been unable to go back to work or college.

The victim fell through the gap in the narrow stairwell

After the incident, Ali attempted to leave the building but officers were quickly on scene and arrested him.

A blade found at the venue matched a knife handle in Ali’s pocket at the time of his arrest.

Both of the stabbed men were taken to hospital and have since recovered from their injuries.

Detective constable Tom Waller said: “Ali violently pushed an innocent 18-year-old woman off a fourth floor internal balcony in a fit of rage which had already seen him stab two men.

“It was only by sheer luck that she was not more seriously injured and although she is recovering well, this incident has had a huge impact on her life.

“Ali did not care who he injured that night and was clearly intent on harming anyone in his path.

“Those at the party were left terrified and we are grateful for those who have provided their own witness accounts and had to re-live what happened.

“Thanks to them and the dedicated work of our officers, Ali has been brought to justice and is now likely to face a significant time in prison.”

Ali was found not guilty of attempted murder and will be sentenced at  Croydon Crown Court on March 5.

One thought on “Man convicted for pushing teenager over fourth floor balcony and stabbing two men at a party in Borough

  • Clifton Lindsey

    Give him life!


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