A safe space to swim:Community disabled swimming sessions launched
Community-led swimming sessions for disabled people have been launched, offering a safe space to socialise and stay active.
WeSwim – which already runs sessions in Crouch End, Haringey, and Old Street in Islington – is now looking for adults with disabilities to visit its newest site at Vauxhall Leisure Centre, Lambeth Road, Vauxhall.
At the Thursday morning sessions, visitors can use their time in the water as they wish, improving swimming, working muscles or simply socialising.
Each session is supervised by volunteers who can also offer one-to-one sessions.

A spokeswoman from WeSwim said: “Our mission is to increase the opportunities for people with disabilities to swim in London.
“Our primary focus is on the mental, physical and social benefits of community-led clubs where everyone is welcome.”
Pictured top: WeSwim has just launched its latest sessions in Vauxhall (Picture: WeSwim)