
Cheating index revealed – and it’s not good news for spouses in Greenwich

Snooty Bromley has always had a bit of a chip on its shoulder about neighbour Greenwich being a so-called “Royal” borough.

Even in an age when the Windsors are marrying – God forbid – Americans, that regal handle must grate.

But now the green-eyed residents of the leafier borough can justifiably look down their noses on next door with a tinge of smugness.

A survey has found Greenwich to be the second most unfaithful borough in London – despite being only the seventh worst last year.

The green-eyed monster has obviously been making lifestyle adjustments in lockdown, like the rest of us.

Obviously, the “infidelity index”, as it is called, can go, er, down as well as up.

The contrast must add a special frisson across the border between the two boroughs.

Perhaps the residents of White Horse Hill, in Chislehurst, look daggers at each other across the white lines every morning at the start of the school run?

The local milkman especially must be in two minds on whether he’s coming or going.

Greenwich, home to 8,521 cheats, has more than three per cent of its population eyeing a fling.

Its residents obviously have a more laissez-faire attitude to affairs than “Le Bromlei” as it likes to be known – the most faithful borough in South London and sixth in the entire city, with only 1.17 per cent of its adult population cheating.

Lewisham is the sixth most unfaithful borough in London, with 11,850 love rats – 2.58 per cent of its adult population.

Merton sits at 12th place with 2.07 per cent of its population cheating (9,882 people).

Croydon comes in 14th with 1.94 per cent – or 17,205 “hoes”, as they tend to get called there, of either gender.

Lambeth drops in at 19th place with 1.43 per cent (10,794 people), followed by Bexley in 27th place with 1.17 per cent (6,590 people).

Male or female floozies should go west to Hillingdon, which has been crowned the cheating borough of the capital with an eight per cent rise in affairs in the past year.

For the more safety-minded (or God-fearing), Haringey is the most faithful.

The main reason for the rise is “lockdown cabin fever”, with people unhappy with their partner seeking an affair after becoming fed-up being stuck at home.

The Infidelity Index compiles the most adulterous towns in the country by mapping the postal data of adulterers on, a dating website for married people, against each location’s adult population. spokeswoman Jessica Leoni said: “South London is perhaps the most spread out area of the capital, bordering Kent and Surrey – areas of outstanding landscapes and natural beauty, Southerners are literally drowning in suburbia.

“But no amount of rich meadows can stop the locals from cheating – although it does seem there are less affairs on the outskirts.”

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