Disabled customers ‘carried’ up stairs and shop forced to close as Castle Square left without lift for nine weeks
A campaign group has claimed that a relocation site for former Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre traders has been allowed to decline by its managing agent.
The lift in the north block of Castle Square in Elephant Road, has been broken for nine weeks forcing one shop on the top floor to close due to a decline in customers.
Latin Elephant, working with traders in Castle Square contacted the buildings managing agent, Savills, the developers, Get Living, and Southwark council last week about the urgent issues but, claim they have been given no reassurance of when the repairs will take place.

Sophie Wall, 30, a Latin Elephant project officer said: “Some traders on the top floor have mobility issues and they are having to get up the stairs, it’s really dangerous.
“It’s caused so much stress for traders and a loss of customers.
“If there was a fire there wouldn’t be any escape.
“There have been pretty dangerous instances of immoblie and elderly people trying to get up the stairs, one young disabled customer was carried up the stairs.”

Latin Elephant said that the slow response to rectify the lift breakage from Savills and Get Living has put disabled customers at a “substantial disadvantage” and breaches the terms of the Castle Square lease.
The lift is still broken, and no further update has been received, it’s claimed.
Ms Wall said there has been a breakdown of communication between the traders and the buildings manager and the council.

Castle Square traders said: “In the three years we have been trading from this location, the conditions have steadily declined, impacting on our ability to trade.
“We have had infrequent, and in some cases no, updates from Savills about these issues.
“As our individual complaints are not dealt with, we have chosen to speak out collectively.”
Ms Wall said there has also been a rise in antisocial behaviour at the site.
She said: “It has become a place where people come to smoke weed.
“The groups can be intimidating the traders and customers.”
Castle Square opened as a retail space when the shopping centre was demolished in 2020.
The traders were told Castle Square was only a temporary site while the new town centre was built.
But Latin Elephant and traders have said they have heard that this temporary relocation site will become permanent.
They said: “It has been suggested that Castle Square may now be a permanent shopping site, but it is highly unlikely our businesses can survive here long-term or even short to mid-term if the management continues to neglect their legal responsibilities.”
Councillor Helen Dennis, Cabinet Member for New Homes & Sustainable Development, said: “We have been working closely with traders from Elephant and Castle for many years now, pushing for the very best outcome for them.
“We do everything we can to help facilitate between businesses, developers, and landlords when issues arise.
“We have been made aware of the broken lift at Castle Square and have followed this up with the landlord directly.
“We want to reassure traders that we will remain in contact with their landlord until all the issues have been resolved.”
A spokesman for the Elephant and Castle Town Centre, who are in charge of the management of Castle Square said: “Castle Square was established to support local traders and provide an inclusive public space for the local community.
“We have a steadfast and unwavering commitment to its prosperity and ensuring that prompt and appropriate action is taken to address any concerns raised by the traders operating within the premises.
“We are aware that there have been some issues with the lifts at Castle Square and we are working hard to resolve this as soon as possible.
“We promptly resolved the issue with one of the lifts, which was caused by faulty control buttons.
“Extensive investigations have been conducted regarding the second lift, including multiple visits by contractors.
“Replacement parts have been ordered and we are in contact directly with the manufacturer, who is on standby to install the parts as soon as they have arrived and ensure the lift is back in working condition.
“We are committed to providing a clean and well-maintained environment at Castle Square and we are investigating reports that this has not been up to the standard that we expect. If necessary, we will take corrective action.”
Savills and Get Living have been approached for comment.
Pictured top: A young wheelchair user being carried up North Block stairs to reach a business due to lift breakage (Picture: Latin Elephant)