
East Croydon to get another tower block as 500 ‘co-living’ flats approved

By Tara O’Connor, Local Democracy Reporter

A block of nearly 500 co-living flats have been given the green light in East Croydon meaning yet another tower block is set to be built around the station.

The small flats include en-suite bathrooms and a kitchenette but residents share kitchens and communal spaces in the building.

It comes more than a year after Croydon council refused the plans to knock down City Link House in Addiscombe Road to make way for the 28-storey tower.

As well as 498 co-living flats the development includes 84 regular flats.

The council said it would harm the view of the iconic 50p building, known as the NLA Tower or Number One Croydon. It was built in 1970 by Richard Seifert and Partners.

However, Wittington Investments Limited and Fifth State took the decision to appeal where it was overturned by the Planning Inspectorate.

In Croydon council’s statement of case for the appeal, it wrote: “The height and massing would be substantially larger than the height and massing of the NLA Tower and given the proximity to the NLA Tower, it would not appear subservient to the building when viewed in both the immediate context and in views from the north and south of the site and would thus have a negative impact upon its setting.”

In its statement, the developer said the part 28, part 14-storey block would “enhance” views of the NLA Tower.

It added: “This is achieved through the closure of the unsightly subways immediately outside of the building at ground level and the proposed public realm improvements, alongside the
replacing of a building of limited architectural quality and no active frontage, with one that is of exemplary design quality and incorporates high quality active frontage.”

After considering the appeal, Jonathon Parsons, an inspector appointed by the secretary of state, concluded the flats could be built. He said the development would “boost housing supply”.

The blocks include shared kitchens on each floor along with co-working spaces, cinema, gym and roof terrace. On the ground floor there are plans for a cafe open to the public.

Pictured top: Plans for nearly 500 micro flats in Croydon (Picture: Fifth State/Squire and Partners) 

One thought on “East Croydon to get another tower block as 500 ‘co-living’ flats approved

  • Hella Huber El-Droubie

    For whom are the co-living micro flats aimed at?


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